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Huggies Snug and Dry Vs. Little Snugglers

Diaper dilemmas are the worst. There are literally dozens of diaper companies on the market and many of them carry more than one diaper. When my son was born prematurely, I knew I needed to be wise in my diaper decision. I wanted to consider cost, fit, the health of my baby and I wanted to be confident in the company I chose.

What is the Difference Between Huggies Snug & Dry and Little Snugglers? I will let you in on a secret – the biggest difference between these two diapers is the lining. It might seem like a small difference, but it might make a big difference to your baby. Little Snugglers’ lining is scent-free and chlorine-free.

It has been dermatologist and pediatrician tested. Whether you know your baby’s skin is sensitive or if you just want to be cautious, this might help you decide to go with the Little Snugglers.

Diaper Dilemma: Huggies Snug and Dry or Little Snugglers

I wanted to find a company that could carry me through my diaper years. I wanted a company that cares for me and my baby. A company that offered a high-quality product I could afford. Armed with some samples from companies and an assortment given at my baby shower, I began to test the diapers and research the companies.

Little Snugglers vs Snug & Dry

These two diapers offer all the benefits of Huggies brand diapers but have a few small differences you might consider.


Little Snugglers have a preemie size which is great if your baby is premature or just small at birth. They offer smaller packaging as well, so you don’t have to purchase more than you need.

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Snug & Dry starts at a newborn size so, for most babies, either diaper will work. Both diapers also have sizes up to 36 lbs. I like that I can pick a product and stick with it over the length of my baby’s diaper life.

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I do not suggest you purchase your first baby size of diapers until after your baby is born. If people want to purchase diapers for you get them to buy size 1 or 2.

Your baby may not be in the newborn size for very long so you do not want to have an overabundance diaper you can not use.


Little Snugglers is the best option if your baby has sensitive skin. Little Snugglers are free of scents, lotions, and chlorine. The outer cover is also hypoallergenic which is a bonus with baby’s legs rubbing against it all day. With a preemie, I try to be aware of what chemicals he is exposed to every day.

Snug & Dry does not boast the same sensitive ingredients for their lining but the soft lining still works for my baby. Even with sensitive skin my son has no trouble with the regular Huggies lining.


Little Snugglers cost slightly more than Snug & Dry but I expect to pay more for a sensitive skin product. With the coupons and reward programs, it helps bring the cost down.

Diapers are always cheaper when you buy them in bulk and most retailers offer some sort of subscription service which can drop the price more. A couple of things to consider.

  1. Can you easily change the order? For example, if you need to jump through a lot of hoops to change the size or frequency of the order you may find you have more diapers than you need.
  2. Brand – Ensure you are comfortable and happy with the company and product prior to ordering. You are better off to purchase a small amount of one diaper to try before you lock in for a subscription.
  3. Delivery – Automatic delivery can be a great blessing but only if it is convenient. Where I live the automatic delivery is not helpful because UPS does not deliver to my acreage. My parcels go to the post office 20 minutes away. I found it easier and less stressful to purchase in store.
  4. Prices – Do some research, online companies like Amazon have great reputations and have great prices. Check around, you may find your local store offers a program, but the price is higher. Also, check with the supplier, Huggies offers its own delivery program, but the prices may not compete with other options.

I Chose Huggies.

In the end, Huggies proved to be the best choice for my baby. I love what Huggies stands for, the deals they offer, and the fit and function of their diapers. My baby struggles with sensitive skin and the Huggies brand is gentle on his skin.

Huggies website offers many informative articles for parents from pregnancy to childhood. When I weighed all the data, I became convinced Huggies was the company I was looking for to provide this important piece of my baby’s care. I am 100% team Huggies.

Also check: Luvs vs Pampers

Once I was happy with Huggies, I needed to sort through the products they offered to find the best one for my baby. Huggies Snug & Dry and Huggies Little Snugglers seemed on the surface to be the same diaper so I dug a little deeper to see which one would work for my baby.

Why Huggies?

Huggies has many diaper styles available. The things I loved best about Huggies were standard in all their diapers.

GentleAbsorb Liner – This is probably my favorite feature of Huggies diapers. And it was the deciding factor between Huggies and Pampers. It feels soft to the touch.

My baby is in cloth diapers during the day and Huggies at night and the Huggies liner feels closest to cloth. The liner also creates a great barrier between my baby’s bottom and their mess.

Something my cloth diapers were not able to do as well. The best way to avoid diaper rash is to limit the amount of time my baby’s skin is wet.

Back Pocket Waistband – No, not for keys, this extra pocket at the back of the diapers has saved so many outfits. Keeping poop contained is never a bad thing. Other diapers did not contain the mess as well as Huggies.

Elastic Waistband and legs – The waistband and leg gather help from the diaper to my baby. As he grew and began moving around and rolling over, I noticed that the waistband conformed to his skin and followed his movements. The elastic band also made it comfortable for him as he moved around. The elastic leg bands moved with him and ensured no mess would escape.

Velcro Fasteners – These are magic. I love that I can open the diaper to check on the baby and still refasten it is empty. I can refasten for fit as well if I think I started too tight.

The male in my husband loves the Velcro as he often struggles to keep our busy 6-month-old in place while diapering. After size 3 Huggies Double Grip Strips help keep diapers in place on busy crawlers.

Leak lock System – Quite a fancy name for this amazing feature. My baby is fussy and struggles with some health concerns, so a full night’s sleep is always a bonus.

I can understand if he wakes because he is sick or hungry but when he wakes up because of a wet diaper that is frustrating for both of us.

I tried the cheaper brand and after a few sleepless nights, because my baby was wet down to the mattress, I switched back to Huggies. My sleep and his are worth a few extra pennies.

Sure Fit Design – Huggies boasts that the combination of their diaper design, flexible waistband, and leak lock system ensure 12-hour wetness protection. As our little guy began sleeping longer, this was a great feature.

Wetness Indicator – I love this invention. No more squeezing diaper bottoms, this indicator turns color when the diaper is wet. A quick peeks and I know what is happening down there.

Disney Patterns – It is silly, I know. I am really the only one who cares what his diapers look like, but I love the Disney patterns. Winnie the Pooh and Mickey dancing across his little behind – it is adorable. The Disney reward program is a bonus as well, with travel discounts, products, and games for my little one.

Huggies Coupons and Rewards – Let’s face it, diapers are expensive. Even the cheap brands are pricey so if I can combine quality with a good price, I am happy. With coupons online and those mailed to me I rarely purchase diapers without a coupon.

Huggies Rewards is a great loyalty program that rewards me for every purchase, and I can use those rewards for more diapers or for gift cards for the next baby shower. The Huggies reward app allows me to keep all my deals at my fingertips.

Huggies cares.  It sounds corny, but when I visit their website and see all the information articles, I really feel like they care about me and my baby. When I read about their No Baby Unhugged program I was hooked. It is hard to find a company these days where I like the product and what they stand for and support.

The Bottom Line

In the end, I decided both Little Snugglers and Snug & Dry worked for my baby. I used Little Snugglers when my baby was little and needed more care for his skin. Then after 6 months, I switched to Snug & Dry.

By six months, I felt his skin was less vulnerable and did not need the extra protection, and I could drop my diaper bill slightly. Even after trying other brands I am still convinced we are a Huggies family.

Monica Lawrence

I’m Monica, a single mother who’s raising two beautiful angels. Here, I share helpful and creative articles and how-to’s for all the busy, multitasking moms.