Welcome to Mommy’s Busy World, your favorite blog about babies and parenting!
I’m Monica, a single mother who’s raising two beautiful angels. Here, I share helpful and creative articles and how to’s along with product reviews. This blog is for all the busy, multitasking moms.
Mommy’s Busy World is a trusted source of information and a welcoming online community. It’s loaded with practical tips, advice, product reviews, and information on pregnancy and parenting.
It’s a one-stop destination for soulful and curious parents who want to be inspired and informed. That being said, thank you for taking the time to read my story. Let’s find out more!
What is the Main Goal of Mommy’s Busy World?
Motherhood is happiness, joy, excitement, and EXHAUSTION at times! I’m sure that you will agree with me on that. It’s a blessing to be a mother but it’s also overwhelming at times.
That’s why I want to invite you to join a welcoming and supportive community of moms who appreciate practical tips, honest product reviews, and helpful advice from experiences.
The thing is, we all thought we knew what we were doing as mothers until we didn’t. But there’s nothing wrong with being helpless if you’re open to learning new things about parenting.
Mommy’s Busy World is a happy corner made by a single mother (me) that provides tools to help other moms (and dads) raise the next generation of kind, happy, and confident children.
And while you’re here, I want to help you choose the best products for your babies and kids. Honestly, I started this blog as a creative outlet for some of my interests outside my daily routine.
I wanted to provide easy access to information that can be used to simplify your life as a parent. I share experiences with balancing home and work and help moms thrive in both spheres.
What Does Mommy’s Busy World Stand for?
This blog is all about parenthood and communication. I strive to leave this world a better place than how I found it. I believe in the importance of proper raising.
Your life is what you make of it. Your child is how you raise it. If you do it properly, you will leave behind a happy and healthy person who’s going to strive to improve this world just as you did.
There isn’t a strict rule on how to be a good parent. You have to make your rules as you go! However, if you feel overwhelmed at times, stop by and check out my tips, advice, and product reviews.
Who knows, maybe we’re going through the same thing at the same time and you’re going to find what you need right here! I kindly suggest that you bookmark this blog and visit from time to time.
This family blog is meant to be a parenting resource, your resource! My goal is to inspire parents, help in every way that I can, and provide an objective opinion on products such as diapers, bottles, etc.
You’re not alone! Others have experienced what you’re going through right now. Listen to their advice. I write about pregnancy, breastfeeding, baby proofing, baby sleep, baby gear, and more.
Feel free to express your questions and suggestions in the comment section. I hope you enjoy Mommy’s Busy World and share it with your loved ones!