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When Do Babies Get Eyelashes? 

Babies are usually so small and cute when they are born. Their innocence and freshness to the world are so appealing. When they are young, some features may not be prominent like hair. In a healthy pregnancy, the baby’s hair usually starts developing at week 14 of the pregnancy. 

When Do Babies Get Eyelashes? Although, when born, there are some babies whose eyelashes are visible while others are not. All babies have eyelashes from birth.

Have you ever looked at someone and wondered what was wrong with their face, and then it hits you that they don’t have eyebrows or eyelashes. This can make a person feel uncomfortable and have low self-esteem.  That should explain why it is so essential for a baby to have them.  

Eyelashes have become a way to enhance beauty hence the invention of products like mascara. A baby with long eyelashes is attractive, especially if it is a girl. 

Eyes lashes are made up of a protein called keratin and water. If a baby is born without them, then it may be due to an issue that they faced while in the mother’s womb.

This might be due to an existing disease that the mother has. An inconsistency may happen to the mother’s hormones. When a woman is expecting, her hormonal levels usually increase rapidly. 

Hormonal imbalance is the term given when a body has too little or too much of a particular hormone. This can have grievous effects on the body of a pregnant woman and to the baby as well.

There are instances that a baby can get a disease known as madarosis.  This is a Greek term that means to fall off. This ailment can lead one to lose all their hairs, and eventually, they won’t have eyebrows and eyelashes.  

The effects of madarosis on hair loss may be reversible or permanent, depending on the intensity.

You should note that certain medications will lead to loss of hair as well.  This can affect the eyebrow and eyelashes. 

These issues can be monitored, and due treatment applied when you visit your doctor early enough. If you do so, then you are likely to have a healthy baby with beautiful eyelashes.

How to protect your baby’s eyelashes 

As a parent, you should not worry if the baby’s eyelashes are taking longer to be visible.  If they are already evident, but you want them to be fuller or longer, you should be wary about applying products that claim that can help them grow faster.

Trauma from injuries can also affect your baby’s eyelashes. It would be best if you protected them from burns, which can damage their eyebrow and eyelashes permanently. 

Always keep an eye on the baby because they love to grab things, and such things like burning candles can be attractive to them.

The most critical factors in eyelashes growth are genetics and good health. If your family has lovely thick lashes, then the baby will probably have them too.  

Ensure that the baby is fed exclusively on breast milk or formula for the first six months. This will help the baby to be healthy. If they are healthy, then the eyelashes will grow effortlessly.

 If you are traveling to a dusty place, then you can put goggles on the babies to protect their eyes.  


Is it normal for newborns not to have eyelashes?

The development may be slowed due to one factor or another that will make the baby’s hair unnoticeable when they are born. This is not something to worry about since as the baby grows, the more visible the hair will be.

However, the mother to be should make sure that they have well-balanced diets during that time. Lack of minerals like zinc, biotin, and iron can slow down hair growth.   

At what age do eyelashes stop growing?

Eyelashes usually grow just like the hair on human heads do.  The only difference is that after three months they will fall out, unlike the head hair which falls after three years. 

If your eyelash doesn’t do that, then that may indicate an internal issue.

Although with time eyelashes, just as other bodily hair will start thinning and falling off. The older a person gets, the thinner the hairs will be. Most people usually begin experiencing hair loss from the age of 50, but it can be earlier or later, depending on one’s genetics. 

The thinning of hair can also be contributed or slowed down by the use of different products. There are some that will facilitate the growth of hair while others are too harsh hence make it thinned.   

When do babies get bottom eyelashes?

This depends on the child’s genetics. When born, the bottom eyelashes may be visible or not.  

Usually, the upper eyelashes are double the bottom eyelashes. So if the upper eyelashes are 100, then probably the lower lashes will be 50. This makes the bottom eyelashes harder to be seen.  

With time they bottom ones get more prominent and visible to the eyes. 

Do newborns get born with no eyebrows or eyelashes?

Newborns usually get born with eyebrows and eyelashes. The only difference is whether they are visible or not. In case the child is suffering from albinism, then the facial hair will be paler than usual. 

This may make people think that the baby doesn’t have eyebrows or lashes.

The most significant purpose of eyelashes is for protection.  They protect sensitive eyes from dust, dirt, debris, sweat, and even sunlight. 

They are used to enhance the beauty of our features as well, especially in women. It would be best if you made it a point of using clean water when washing the face of your young one. 

Always have a separate face towel that you use for the face specifically. As babies grow older, train them to keep doing that.  This routine will prevent the transmission of other materials from different body parts to the face.

What can a person do if they don’t have eyelashes and eyebrows ?

If a person doesn’t have eyelashes since they were a baby, then they shouldn’t lose hope they can opt for options like 

Eyelash grafts –This procedure gives the illusion of thicker and fuller eyelashes. Your eyelashes may be tinted due to the use of dye as part of the process.

Eyebrows tattooing-

Eyebrow transplants-With the advanced technology, people who have no eyebrows, can easily have doctors do a transplant for them.  These usually look more natural, but the cost of the procedure might b high.

Wearing false eyelashes-There are so many cosmetic products in the market that can help a person who doesn’t have eyebrows or lashes. If you opt for this option, then maintain high standards of hygiene.  

This is due to the fact that you need to remove them and re-glue them every time you want to wear them.  

Use of make-up to define the eyebrow and lashes- This method is less costly. All you need is excellent make- up skills so that your face doesn’t end up looking like a clown.

Once your child grows, and they want to use make-up, teach and remind them to clean it off before they retire to bed every day. Since a person has a variety of products that they can apply to their eyes, such as eyeliners, eye shadows, and many more, they may get eye infections if they don’t ensure high standards of cleanliness. It is also essential to use products that are as natural as possible.

Take care of your baby’s eyelashes and eyebrows, it enhances their features, and they will grow up to be more confident people. Picture them raising their eyebrows at you in question when they are all grown up. 

Monica Lawrence

I’m Monica, a single mother who’s raising two beautiful angels. Here, I share helpful and creative articles and how-to’s for all the busy, multitasking moms.